Amelia's First Birthday
Wow! Where has time gone! Amelia is 1 year old today! She is about 26 pounds and about 32" tall (we'll find out on 6/6 - she has her 1 year check up then). She has 4 teeth on the bottom and one on the top, she is walking everywhere (almost running!), talking up a storm - she has at least 7-8 words, laughing and smiling all the time! She loves to be outside, smelling flowers, playing with her toys and playing guitar with Daddy. She is a great sleeper, 12 hours at night at 2 good naps during the day. Miss Amelia loves to eat - anything - she loves food. I haven't found anything yet she doesn't like. She prefers to drink water (with a little lemon if you let her! lol) over anything else. I know all parents say it but she is very smart, we can give her a command or ask her a question and she responds with a word or action. She loves telling you she is "so big", if you ask her if she's one she'll hold up a finger. Newman is her best friend and protector. He's taken to sleeping on the chair in her room next to the crib. 7663006/PictureID=400113643006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400119146006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136112006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136155006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400113643006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400119146006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136112006/a=55612006_35561483/ 7663006/PictureID=400136155006/a=55612006_35561483/
The first year goes by so quickly and there are so many changes that they go through!! She is so darn cute! You and Chris are very blessed to have such a wonderful daughter!!
Love, Beth
The first year goes by so quickly and there are so many changes that they go through!! She is so darn cute! You and Chris are very blessed to have such a wonderful daughter!!

Love, Beth">">>
I am so happy for you and Chris. I am at work and can not see the pics. Looking forward to checking them out when I get home. Thanks for the updates - takes me back to when my kids were little and everything was so new. I loved those times. And while it does go by fast, the memories are there forever! Enjoy every moment! :)
Amelia sounds like an absolute delight, time goes quickly and so my advice as a mother and now grandmother to 4 is enjoy each precious moment, these are the ones that go by quicker than you know. . .
Happy Birthday Amelia and best wishes for a loving life, which based on your parents, I think is a given!!!
Hugs, Laureen
Amelia sounds like an absolute delight, time goes quickly and so my advice as a mother and now grandmother to 4 is enjoy each precious moment, these are the ones that go by quicker than you know. . .
Happy Birthday Amelia and best wishes for a loving life, which based on your parents, I think is a given!!!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
She is precious. Happy Birthday, Mia. Enjoy her while she is young. They grow up too fast.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer